How to Stop Behavioral Dog Peeing in House

How to Stop Dog Peeing in House: Effective Solutions

To stop behavioral dog peeing in the house, immediately take them outside to their bathroom spot & give praise and treats if they finish there. Do not punish your puppy for eliminating indoors, just clean up the soiled area thoroughly. How to Stop Dog Peeing in House? There are several reasons why dogs may pee…

What Small Dog Breeds are Easy to Train

What Small Dog Breeds Are Easy to Train: Top 10 Picks

Miniature Schnauzer, Poodle, Papillon, Boston Terrier, and Toy Poodle are small dog breeds that are easy to train. These breeds have an easy-going temperament & are quick learners, making them a great choice for those looking for a furry companion that requires minimal effort. When it comes to small dog breeds, finding a pup that…

How Much are Small Dog Breeds

Discover the Cost of Small Dog Breeds Today: Budget-Friendly Options!

Small dog breeds can cost anywhere from $50 to $4,000, depending on various factors such as breed, age, location, & breeder. Small dogs are popular among pet owners for their size, as they are easier to handle and require less space than larger breeds. In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for…

Dog Obedience Training Tips And Techniques

Dog Obedience Training Tips And Techniques: Master the Basics for Success!

Dog obedience training requires going at your dog’s pace & providing consistency and patience while making the reward worthwhile. It’s important to set your dog up for success and avoid punishment. Dogs should learn and respond to their name, sit, down, and heel commands. Obedience training is essential for dogs to learn how to follow…

What is the Difference between Force Free And Balanced Dog Training

What’s the Difference: Force-Free vs. Balanced Dog Training?

Force-free dog training focuses solely on positive reinforcement and reward-based techniques, while balanced dog training involves the use of both reward-based techniques and aversive consequences. This means that in balanced training, the dog learns that their choices and behaviors can result in either pleasant or unpleasant results. What’s the Difference: Force-Free vs. Balanced Dog Training?…

What to Do When Dog is Itchy After Grooming: Top Remedies

To relieve a dog’s itchiness after grooming, use anti-itch ointments, rinse thoroughly, maintain a healthy diet, & use hypoallergenic grooming products. It is common for dogs to become itchy after grooming due to razor burn, friction from coarse hair, and general irritation. What to Do When Dog is Itchy After Grooming? However, there are simple…

What Small Dog Breeds Can Be Left Alone

What Small Dog Breeds Can Be Left Alone: Top Independent Companions

Chihuahuas, French Bulldogs, and Pugs are small dog breeds that can generally tolerate being left alone for short periods of time. Thus, owning and taking care of a dog can be challenging, especially if you have a busy lifestyle or work long hours. What Small Dog Breeds Can Be Left Alone? One of the most…

How Often Should You Replace Dog Beds

How Often Should You Replace Dog Beds? Keep Your Pup Comfortable and Healthy!

A good-quality dog bed should be replaced every two years, or earlier if it is visibly out of shape, has rips or tears, or if your pet has stopped using it because it doesn’t support his needs anymore. The scent of an old familiar bed is important to dogs, so it may take time for…

How Many Dog Food Bags on a Pallet

How Many Dog Food Bags on a Pallet: The Ultimate Guide

A pallet of dog food typically contains around 40 to 65 bags, depending on the brand and size of each bag. For example, Inukshuk Professional Dry Dog Food comes with 65 bags on a pallet, while Virtue Pet Foods has 50 bags on a pallet. How Many Dog Food Bags on a Pallet? Yes, quantity…

How Much Does It Cost to Leave a Dog at a Kennel

Budgeting for Your Pup: How Much to Leave a Dog at a Kennel

Leaving a dog at a kennel can cost anywhere from $20 to $90 per day. Kennel prices vary depending on location, services offered, and the size of your dog. If you’re planning to go out of town for a while, you’re probably wondering how much to leave a dog at a kennel. While the price…